Teach a child to grow their own vegetables, to cook their own food, to respect the land and enjoy dirt under their fingernails – that, is an education that will last a lifetime.
Healthy Communities Coalition and Community Roots are proud to team up with Lyon County School District in providing gardens in almost every school in the county with a goal 100% school garden participation in Lyon County by 2018.
These gardens feature hoop houses which are "low tech greenhouses" that extend the growing season, as well as outdoor gardens to keep the food supply growing during the summer and fall months.
Children are taught by teachers, farmers and school interns in the process of planting, maintaining and harvesting food for their schools. School gardens are an innovative way to educated our youth about helping sustain themselves and sustain our planet.

A beautiful harvest of fall vegetables at Dayton Elementary School. The kids are so excited about what they are learning

Marcia Litsinger is spending time with the kids at Silver Stage Elementary, teaching the process of worm reproduction.

5th grade instructor, Bob Gardner works with his class as they learn about the science of plant growth.

High school interns help weed and maintain gardens during the summer season.

These great garden beds with shelves are made from pallets. Recycling and composting are perfect teaching tools.

At Dayton Elementary School, this little bear keeps watch over the growing crops.