About Us

Community Roots is located in Dayton, Nevada about 15 miles east of Nevada's capitol, Carson City. We provide beautiful, high quality plants, trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetable plants which bring customers from Reno, Carson City, Silver Springs, Yerington, Winnemucca and parts of Eastern California.
What makes Community Roots unique is our nonprofit, self-sustaining status, that allows us to help support other programs in the Dayton area. We focus largely on youth empowerment through the Nursery, Farmers Market, and our School Gardens. We have learned to never underestimate the power of youth, they continue to amaze us with their accomplishments.
We have recently moved to our beautiful new location at 209 Dayton Valley Road in Dayton. Here we have an indoor year round gift shop and full service floral department.
We are actively involved in the creation and upkeep of gardens in Lyon County schools. Students are educated about plant propagation, beneficial insects, and how to grow vegetables which they harvest themselves to be used in mealtime food preparation.
Every summer we work with local farmers and crafters to bring a Farmers Market to Dayton. It is a great time of year for friends and family to meet up at the market and to talk with farmers about their most recent harvests. We are always fortunate to have youth working at the market from the Comstock Youth Works program. Here at the market and at the nursery, they learn customer service skills, plant and crop identification, and bring their own quality of teamwork and knowledge to our Community Roots family.

Community Roots is a proud part of Healthy Communities Coalition of Lyon and Storey Counties which is a grassroots based partnership whose vision is to mobilize, share, and collaborate for healthy communities where all have opportunities to grow, live and learn. Our mission is to strive to promote and support sustainable, culturally inclusive prevention services, community initiatives, and capacity building systems that address all factions of a healthy community for all members. Please visit our main page at www.healthycomm.org for more information.